Game Description
Infinite Horizons

Game Description

Set in a sci-fi future that's all too familiar, Infinite Horizons explores the development of a new human colony on a far-flung world - an untouched paradise called 'Niwa'.
Various political, manufacturing, scientific, and financial factions will all be taking a key role in shaping the civic, industrial and political development of the colony during its first few years. There will be new challenges to overcome, and some unexpected threats - both internal and external - that must be dealt with. Meanwhile, all of the factions will be trying to balance the interests of the colony itself with the needs of their sponsors back on Earth.
During the course of Infinite Horizons, players will explore how humanity can overcome its differences and work together to achieve great things - and how ambition, greed, nationalism and self-interest can undermine even the best intentions.
Is it possible to balance the two? Could a mission of such grand scale bring people of all nations, creeds and corporations together? Or in the end, will it be just another tool in the struggle for power?
Each team will represent one of the colony's primary factions. Each of these factions are only on Niwa thanks to the support from a major backer of the colonisation project. Three major political alliances from the governments of Earth were involved in funding the project, and they expect a return on their investment. A number of other powers, smaller but still very influential, also contributed - with more focused interests, such as science, mining, and industry - and they will also be looking to make their own gains from Niwa. No matter their goals, all of the colony's backers are expecting to see results, and it is up to you to deliver...
Infinite Horizons blends operational, economic and political gameplay. Teams will be required to manage units and resources, as well as keep track of trade and finances, in order to keep their faction going. There is also a creative element of political simulation as the government and laws of the colony are established and altered to suit the evolving situation. The game also has some freeform and roleplay elements, as the different factions push for their own long-term visions for the future of Niwa.
Infinite Horizons is designed by Zane Gunton.

What do the different roles do?
If you are interested in the game, you can look at the Roles Guide to find out more about the different factions the team represent, as well as the different playable roles in each team, and determine which is right for you.
Where can I play Infinite Horizons?
South West Megagames are not currently running Infinite Horizons. If you want to know when new games are announced, email us and ask to be added to our mailing list!
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